Human-Animal Interactions and Aging

Throughout the years, people have been very aware of the usefulness of human-animal connections, a mutual bond that surely has not been lost on the people growing up in the rural farming communities of the Eastern Townships like many of our residents at Grace Village. However, it is only in the past 25 years that people have begun studying the beneficial effects that this connection can have on the physical, psychological and psychosocial lives of people. Studies show that interacting with animal can lessen loneliness and isolation, reduce aggressive behaviours, and promote the increase of positive health behaviours like exercise, and healthy eating. Read more about Human-Animal Interactions and Animal-Assisted Therapy this week on the Village Blog.

Fall Prevention Part Two Plan of Action

Join us for our two-part series on Fall Prevention. Last week we summarized some of the risk factors for older adults and falling. This week we will look at a plan of action to prevent falls!