Summer Students at Grace Village

Grace Village was pleased to welcome two Summer Students this year, Khalilah & Cleo. We asked them to share a little about their roles, and what they enjoyed about being part of our team!

(Photos: On the left, Khalilah enjoys an outing to Coaticook Ice Cream with a resident. On the right, Cleo (right) works with a volunteer serving Waffles in the Bistro.)

Tips for Touring a Long Term Care Facility

Beginning the process of looking into Long-Term Care for ourselves or our loved ones can be a daunting task. There are so many factors to consider, including location, level of care required, community available, etc. This week on The Village Blog, we’ll look at some helpful tips for touring potential residences.

What is Music Therapy

This week on the Village Blog, we welcome Certified Music Therapist Patricia Hortop, BA, GCMT, MTA. Trish has been offering both group and one-on-one music therapy at Grace Village since 2012! Join us as we learn more about Music Therapy and the impact it can have on people.

7 Common Misconceptions about Dementia

Dementia has become a prevalent discussion in our country, particularly since more than 419,000 Canadians are currently diagnosed with Dementia and 78,000 new cases are expected each year (According to Canada’s Dementia Strategy). However, there are still so many misconceptions preventing us from fully understanding Dementia and those dealing with it. We have compiled a list of a few misconceptions surrounding Dementia from The Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, Golden Carers, and the Alzheimer’s Association.

What are my Healthcare Rights

On the last Tuesday in May we were pleased to welcome Angela Moore, Complaints Advisor and Promotional Agent from CAAP-Estrie (Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes – Estrie) to our Resources for Seniors Seminar. She presented a well-attended session on the rights of health care users in the Estrie Area. She gave us with some information to share here on the Village Blog!


Fall Prevention Part Two Plan of Action

Join us for our two-part series on Fall Prevention. Last week we summarized some of the risk factors for older adults and falling. This week we will look at a plan of action to prevent falls!


Fall Prevention Part One Risk Factors

Join us for our two-part series on Fall Prevention. This week we will be discussing the risk factors most commonly associated with falls, what to do after you ahve your first fall, and have provided a quick self-assessment to help you begin the discussion about your own Fall Prevention Plan!

Caring for our Caregivers

Grace Village’s Resources for Seniors Seminars are back! This month we welcome Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis, Director General, and Leigh Hortop, Caregiver Services, from Lennoxville & District Community Aid. They will be speaking on “Caring for Our Caregivers” - this seminar will help us look after this exceptional group of people, particularly Family Caregivers, as they deal with the stress and commitment it takes to provide ongoing care for seniors. They have provided us with some important information about Seniors in Canada for today’s The Village Blog post.

What are ADLs

One of our goals for The Village Blog is to provide important information that seniors & their families need when looking for a Retirement Home for their loved one. This week, we wanted to cover a topic that often comes up when discussing Care Levels at potential residences: ADL’s & IADL’s.

Financial and Tax Planning For Seniors

Welcome back to The Village Blog! Our monthly Resources for Seniors Seminar in March focused on Financial & Tax Planning for Seniors. It was presented by Foundation Board Member Peter Provencher, a local Investment Advisor. Peter agreed to provide us with some helpful information to share with you! Read on to learn some basics designed to help you navigate planning for your future through investments and how to see benefits come tax season!