Research Projects at Grace Village
Grace Village is proud to work with local educational institutions to help advance research in the field of geriatrics! Here are a few of the current projects that Grace Village is a part of.
1- Participating in artistic activities: your interests and challenges
Drew Whelan, an undergraduate student at Bishop’s University, is conducting an honours research project to better understand English speakers’ interest in creative arts-based activities known to help reduce social isolation and promote wellbeing among seniors. Drew is under the supervision of Dr. Claude Charpentier and Dr. Dale Stout from the department of Psychology at Bishop’s University.
2- Promoting engagement in meaningful activities of seniors with cognitive impairment living in residential care : using strategies that build on preserved capacities
This research project aims to implement the use of cognitive strategies, by training resident support staff and practitioners, so they can promote the engagement in meaningful activities of residents living with cognitive difficulties. This project is directed by Pre Chantal Viscogliosi (Laboratoire d'optimisation cognitive de l'Université de Sherbrooke) and funded by the Social sciences and humanities research council.
3- Reduced Carbohydrate Intake Plus Brain Expert to Improve Metabolic and Functional Outcomes in Older People in Assisted Living: The Keto-Home Project
The Keto-Home study is in collaboration with the Department of Medicine and Research Center on Aging, USherbrooke in collaboration with Nestle Health Science. Their goal is to potentially restore brain energy with nutritional intervention (exploring lower carb and lower sugar meal options) to prevent neurocognitive impairment.
There are a few other studies going on at Grace Village as well – keep an eye out for information about the Beam Robots Project!