Fitness for Seniors

At Grace Village, the overall Health & Wellness of the residents is our top priority. That’s why we pride ourselves on our phenomenal care staff, but that’s also why it was important for us to include Fitness as a big goal for our residents for 2020.

In fact, Fitness classes were provided at Grace Village and the Connaught for years, way before we moved into our new home in the Care Pavilion. When the architects were designing the new building, we made sure to have them include in the plans a Fitness Room. After a few years of fundraising for equipment (thanks to Ferial Ladak & other financial & equipment donors!) we are pleased to announce we have officially opened the Fitness Room at Grace Village!

On December 18, Doug Bowker (Executive Director) made the announcement and invited residents and staff to an informal discussion about what the use of the room would look like. Certain hours during a week will be reserved for resident use, and others for staff. For residents, it is important to note that Director of Care Sandra Klinck will determine with a resident what their limits should be, and what level of accompaniment they require to use the fitness room. A form can be obtained from the Recreation & Leisure office for residents or staff who wish to use the space.

We are also pleased to note that Grace Village has available to residents several staff & volunteers who will be able to accompany residents, and help them move forward in their fitness goals. These folks include personal fitness instructor Chris O’Neill, Kinesiologist Audrey d’Amours, and Volunteer Trudy McLean. If you would like to discuss with them about their help, you can contact the Recreation & Leisure team.

Often goals for a senior’s fitness routine can include:

  • Maintaining Muscle Strength
  • Lung Strength (deep breathing)
  • Improve immune function and prevent disease
  • Increasing Circulation
  • Cognitive Benefits like improving mood and mental health; improved sleep
  • Rhythm/Movement Unlocking
  • Improve joint mobility and decrease risk of falls

One of our volunteers noted that it’s important to make choices according to your capacity, but that “recumbent bikes are the best for the range of motion they give you, really help to increase joint health!”

For residents of Grace Village, we have a 30 minute “Chair Fitness” class on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30am. New over the last few months, in collaboration with Bishop’s Senior Academy for Lifelong Learning, we have a  1 hour “Fit Seniors Class” on Mondays at 10:00am for both residents and community members led by kinesiologist Audrey d’Amours. 

We are so proud of our beautiful Fitness Room, and want to encourage everyone to check it out! Welcome to 2020!