Fall Prevention Part Two Plan of Action

Join us for our two-part series on Fall Prevention. Last week we summarized some of the risk factors for older adults and falling. This week we will look at a plan of action to prevent falls!


Plan of Action

If you have had a fall previously, or you want to be pro-active in preventing falls, we have created a Plan of Action based on information from the Mayo Clinic and Newcastle University:

1.       Make an Appointment to visit your doctor

-          Bring a list of prescriptions, over the counter meds and any supplements you are taking

-          Bring your fall diary (if applicable)

-          Prepare to discuss your health conditions and any symptoms like dizziness, joint discomfort, change in gait, pain, numbness, and breathing challenges

-          Request a full Fall Assessment to be done by your doctor (this will help to address YOUR specific risk factors)


2.       Focus on Bone and Muscle Health

-          Quit smoking, limit alcohol and caffeine

-          Eat foods rich in calcium (dairy, oily fish, spinach, nuts, seeds, tofu, dry fruit) *

-          Enjoy the sunshine to build up stores of Vitamin D*

-          Maintain a healthy weight (being both overweight and underweight cane affect bone strength)

*talk to your doctor about vitamin D and Calcium supplements if necessary


3.       Keep Moving

-          Focus on weight bearing exercises (on your feet), which are more effective than cycling and swimming

-          Take classes or do home exercises that focus on strength training AND balance and stamina training (Strength training alone can result in injury)

-          Take a Tai Chi or Tai Ji Quan class, both of which are beneficial for prevention

-          Keep walking! Walking is a great way to keep your nerves, inner ear bones and cardio vascular system healthy


4.       Foot Health and Sensible Shoes

-          Buy shoes that fit well, have good grip, are not too heavy, and adjust to foot swell and sock thickness

-          Keep your feet clean, dry, moisturized, change socks daily and protect from damage like blisters

-          Seek advice for foot pain


5.       Remove Home Hazards
 * Familiarity actually puts us more at risk and most falls happen at home!

-          Well-marked door thresholds

-          Keep items off stairs and out of walkways

-          Remove patterned carpets which can act as camouflage hiding hazards on floor

-          Remove or tape down rugs to prevent tripping on edges or sliding

-          Be aware of outdoor hazards: ice, snow, leaves, uneven ground

-          Be cautious of water (spills and puddles, shower lip, getting in and out of tub)

-          Light up your living space (night lights, lamps, clear paths to switches)


6.       Use appropriate assistive devices

-          Make sure any walker or cane is measured by a professional (too tall can cause unnecessary muscle and joint strain, too short can disrupt center of gravity)

-          Install hand rails, non-slip tread on steps and shower, raised toilet seat, grab bars in bathroom, plastic seat in shower or tub

Do not let fear of falling stop you from leading a full life! Prevention and preparation are key.

Join us for our Senior's Seminar on June 25th at 6:30 pm where we will be discussing Exercise for Seniors with Local Kinesiologist Audrey D'Amours! 

Learn More:

Home Falls and Accident Screening Tool:


New York Times article on Fall Prevention:


Get support and find low-impact exercise courses in the Townships:

https://communityaid.ca/en/ also keep an eye on https://www.ubishops.ca for their "Healthy Seniors" program in the Autumn