COVID-19 Status Update

Current Guidelines

We ask that all visitors upon arrival disinfect their hands and put on a clean medical mask. Please also sign in at the visitor’s log. Signing in is necessary if we have an outbreak for contact tracing for Public Health. Please inform other family members and friends who visit of this vital information and protocol.

As an important note, we ask that you postpone your visit if you have a fever or symptoms of an infection or illness (i.e., stomach flu, cold, etc.). If a new COVID-19 outbreak occurs, visits will again be limited. If we have two positive cases of COVID-19, we are considered in an Outbreak. The outbreak status remains effective for a minimum of 10 days following the last day of the last person out of isolation.

If a resident shows any COVID-19 symptoms, they are immediately tested. If a resident is exposed to an employee or visitor who tests positive, the resident is monitored for COVID-19 symptoms for up to 14 days. Please don’t hesitate to contact Director of Care Sandra Klinck if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected] or at 819-569-0546 x5050. Stay safe and well.